
  • Thesis and Dissertation

Doctoral (In Progress)

  • Ahmadpoor, Narges (in progress), "Investigating the Effects of Physical Configuration on Space Readability from Pedestrian Viewpoint; Using EEG in Virtual Environment", Urban Studies Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Pooyan, A. (in progress), “Improving the Quality of Wayfinding Process in the Hospital Spaces and Facilitating Behavioral Dynamics; Using Virtual Reality Technique”, Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.


Master (Completed)

  • Ajidanpour, N (2020), "Using Virtual Reality to Investigate the Effect of Physical Structure and Urban Configuration on the Quality of Pedestrian's Soundscape Experience in Public Spaces (Case Study: Valiasr street- Tehran)", Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Design, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Kokabi, M (2020), " Analyzing the Mass-Space 3D Relationship System to Achieve Optimum Visibility Between Urban Buildings and Public Spaces; Using 3D Isovist Technique (Case Study: Persian Gulf Lake in Tehran)", Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Design, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Haghighatnejad, K (2020), "Using Augmented Reality to Guide the User in Reducing Energy Consumption in Residential Buildings", Master of Energy in Architecture, Department Architecture, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Amiri, M (2019), "Designing High-Rise Building with BIM Approach; Using Virtual Reality", Master of Architecture, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
  • Sadra, Safoora (2019), "Effect of 3D Configuration on Pedestrian Perception by Using EEG in Virtual Reality Environment", Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Design, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Moosavi, Seyed Yoosef (2019), "Three-Dimensional Sound Presentation in Urban Space for Placement to Optimize Industrial Land Use with Using of GIS, (Case Study: District 3 of the 12th District of Tehran), Master of Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Shayanpoor, Armin (2018), "Using Virtual Reality in the Construction and Maintenance of Prefabricated Residential Complexes", Master of Digital Architecture, Department of Architecture, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Davoodi, Alaa (2017), "Taking Advantage of Augmented Reality System to Improve the Scientific and Practical Process of Urban Facades Design", Master of Multimedia, Department of Computer, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
  • Hakimi, Yasaman (2017), "The Effect of Built Space Visibility on Some Types of Pedestrian Behavior in Urban Squares (Using 3D Isovist Analysis); A Case Study from Tehran, Sabze Meydan square", Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Design, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.


Master (In progress)

  • Ashouri, R (in progress), "Investigating the Relationship between Visibility and Perception of Urban Facades; Using Eye Tracking Technique in Virtual Environment (Case Study: Bahonar Street, Tehran)", Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Design, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Manzouri, S (in progress), "Behavioral Study on Pedestrian Movement Patterns in Urban Spaces According to Their Attention to Build Environment with the Use of Eye Tracking in Virtual Environment", Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Design, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Ebadi, H (in progress), "Promoting the Role of Historic-Tourist Places in Urban Structure with Connected Network Approach; Using the UNA Method (Case Study: District 12 of Tehran Municipality", Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Design, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.



Bachelor (Completed)

  • Khaleghinia, A (2019), "Facilitate Public Participation Using the Virtual Reality Tool (Case Study:  Central Context of Tehran (Islamic Republic of Iran)", BA in Urban Studies, Department of Urban Studies, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Ebrahimi, M (2018), "Exploring the Smart City Criteria with an Emphasis on Sustainable Transportation", BA in Urban Studies, Department of Urban Studies, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Ghasemiaghdam, N and Jalilzadeh, R (2016), "The Effect of Urban Physical Features on the Reliability of Pedestrians Mental Images; Using Quasi-Tests in a Virtual Environment (Case Study: Bahar Avenue, Tehran 7th District)", BA in Urban Studies, Department of Urban Studies, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Taefehashemi, Sepideh (2015), "Effect of Visibility on Urban Spaces Legibility; Using dynamic 360 photos of real spaces", BA in Urban Studies, Department of Urban Studies, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Iran.
  • Azimi, Khatereh (2014), "Designing a Computer Game Environment Based on Iranian Architecture", BA in Multimedia, Department of Multimedia, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.
  • Mohammadi, S., Fathollahirad, P. (2013), "Investigating the Physical Structure and Software Systems of VR CAVE LABs", BA in Multimedia, Department of Multimedia, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.
  • Moslemi,Ali (2013),"Studying the Potentialities of Monumental Buildings for Creating Virtual fantasy Spaces", BA in Multimedia, Department of Multimedia, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.
  • Karimi, Kianoosh (2013), "Analyzing the Virtual Spaces Background Effect in Users Sense of Fear", BA in Multimedia, Department of Multimedia, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.


  • Books and Book Chapters
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Ghorbanian, M., & Moghadam, S. N. M. (2019). Smart Growth and Sustainable Transport in Cities, Routledge Press, London, United Kingdom.
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Ghorbanian, M. (2016), "Using Advanced Approaches in Urban Design Researches: A Mutation from 3D Digital Models to Virtual Reality". In Mobile Computing and Wireless Networks: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 2281-2308). IGI Global.


  • Journal Papers
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Kokabi, M. (2020), "Investigating the Visibility of Historical Elements in Urban Landscape; Using Two-Dimensional Isovist Analysis (Case study: Tehran Golestan Palace)", ANDISHNAME; Journal of Urban planning and Design, Vol 1, No. 1.
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Ghorbanian, M. (2018), "Effects of Urban Spatial Configurations and Physical Structures on Pedestrians' Perception of Subjective Duration", Interaction Design and Architecture(s), No.36.
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Ghobai, P, Ayashm, M. (2018). "Investigating the Effect of Urban Squares Visibility on the Psychological Security of Pedestrians Using the Three-Dimensional Isovist Technique (Case Study: the Saat Square and Namaz Square of Tabriz)" (in Persian), Iranian Association of Architecture & Urbanism Journal, Iran University of Science & Technology.  
  • Shakibamanesh, A., & Ghorbanian, M. (2017). "Toward time-based design: Creating an applied time evaluation checklist for urban design research". Frontiers of Architectural Research, 6(3), 290-307
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Hakimi, Y. (2017). "The Effect of physical Space Visibility on the Pedestrians Behavior in Urban Squares Using 3D Isovist Analysis (Case Study: Sabze Meydan Square in Tehran)", Journal of Urban Studies, Volume 7, Issue 25.
  • Shakibamanesh, A. (2014). "Improving results of urban design research by enhancing advanced semi-experiments in virtual environments". International Journal of Architecture & Urban Planning, Iran University of Science & Technology, 24(2), 131-141.


  • Conference Papers
  • Shakibamanesh, A. (2019), "Using Advanced Methods & Techniques in Urban Researches: A Mutation from 3D Digital Models to Interactive Simulations with
    Emphasis on Virtual Reality", Presentation at the Roundtable: Regional Planning And Design From Theory To Practices, Planning for Transition Conference, 9-13 July, Iuav University, Venice, Italy.
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Manzouri, S (2019), "Investigating the Effect of Space Form on Users' Movement Patterns; Using 3D Modeling in the Autodesk Revit", First International Conference on Knowledge-Based Civil Engineering, Architecture And Urbanism, November 11, 2019,  Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Rezayian, M; Gholizade, Y (2018), "Using Geographic Information System (GIS) in Visual Axis Analysis and Visual Barriers (Case Study: Tabriz Citadel)", 3rd.International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design, September 5-7, 2018, Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.
  • Shakibamanesh, A., Ghasemi, N. (2016), "The Effect of Urban Physical Features on the Reliability of Pedestrians Mental Images; Using Quasi-Tests in a Virtual Environment (Case Study: Bahar Avenue, Tehran 7th District), The Second International Conference On Urbanism, Urban Management And Development Kharazmi, December 12, 2016, Shiraz, Iran.
  • Shakibamanesh, Amir. (2013), "Virtual Reality as a Tool for Urban Design", 2nd Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congress, Tehran, Iran.


  • Lectures
  • Shakibamanesh, A. (2019), "Using Advanced Methods & Techniques in Urban Researches: A Mutation from 3D Digital Models to Interactive Simulations with
    Emphasis on Virtual Reality", Presentation at the Local Seminar: Regional Planning and Design from Theory to Practices, June 27, Department of Architecture, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
  • Shakibamanesh, A. (2019), "The Role of Interactive Simulations and Virtual Reality in the Design and Planning of Smart Cities", Smart City as a Vibrant City Seminar, November 2, 2019, Tehran Beautification Organization, Tehran, Iran.
  • Shakibamanesh, A. (2018), "Using Interactive Simulations and Virtual Reality in Smart Urban Design and Planning", Future City; Smart City Seminar, April, 2018, Bouilisina University, Hamadan, Iran.
  • Shakibamanesh, A. (2013),"Virtual Reality as a Tool for Urban Design", 2nd Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congress, 18th to 20th December 2013, Tehran, Iran.


  • Working Papers
  • Shakibamanesh, A; Kokabi, M (Under Review), “Investigating Mass-Space System to Reach an Optimal Model for Analyzing Visibility Among Buildings and Public Open Spaces Using Three-Dimensional Isovist (Case study: Persian Gulf Lake Area, Tehran, Iran)”
  • Shakibamanesh, A;  Ajidanpoor, M (Under Review), “Investigating the Effect of Physical Structure and Spatial Configuration on the Quality of Pedestrian Soundscape Experience in Public Spaces Using Virtual Reality (Case study: Valiasr Square to Jahad Square, Tehran)