Goals and Detailed Objectives of the Lab

  • Goals:
  • Carrying out studies in various fields related to form in the city, neighborhood and urban space in relation to the field of energy and climate change, public health, economy, tourism and justice with the aim of contribution to the knowledge in the field of concepts and methods of form analysis.
  • Collaborate with academic and non-academic centers to conduct interdisciplinary research.
  • Communication with active laboratories at the level of foreign universities and institutes in order to get acquainted with recent studies in this field.
  • Provide a basis for holding seminars and workshops related to the subject on the university and national level.
  • Running startups and platforms related to this field.
  • Collaborate with institutions and organizations related to urban issues in order to create a platform for theoretical and practical achievements in the form of books, design and planning considerations and guidelines.
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  • Objectives:
  • Defining research projects in order to produce indigenous knowledge.
  • Analyzing the texture and form of the contemporary cities in different scales in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency, climate change and the realization of justice and their modeling.
  • The possibility of conducting research related to the Meteorological Organization to align with the global theme of sustainable urban form and energy efficiency.
  • Using parametric methods in form analysis.
  • Exploring software that can be used in related fields and hold related workshops and seminars to increase the relevant technical knowledge to those interested.
  • Provide a platform for the exchange of ideas related to the topic, such as holding seminars, startups and half-day or one-day workshops.
  • Supervise Master thesis and doctoral dissertations related to designated subject priorities.
  • Translate books or write book chapters.
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